Non-EAZA Signatories

The following institutions and individuals have joined the Silent Forest Campaign. The non-EAZA institutions are also displayed on the map of participants on this page.

Country Institution Fund level
Czech Republic  None
Žádná věda None
France Fox Consulting None
Grand Parc du Puy du Fou None
Zoa Parc animalier et exotique de Sanary-sur-Mer None
Zoo d’Asson None
Germany Berufsverband der Zootierpfleger e.V. Bronze
KD Zootiertransporte International None
Natural History Museum of Erfurt None
Tier- und Freizeitpark Thüle GmbH None
Tierpark Herborn None
Vogelfreunde Forchheim None
Vogelpark Viernheim None
Vogelzucht- und Schutzverein Rietberg e.V. None
Zooschule Heidelberg None
Zoo-Verein Wuppertal e.V. Bronze
Hungary Miskolc Zoo None
Indonesia Bali Safari and Marine Park None
Begawan Foundation None
Museum Pusaka Nias None
Taman Safari Indonesia None
Italy Parco Faunistico Cappeller None
Zoo delle maitine srls None
Laos Lao Conservation Trust for Wildlife None
Netherlands, The Aeres MBO Barneveld None
Harteman Wildfowl None
Taman Indonesia Zoo Bronze
Poland Fundacja Zoo Wrocław DODO None
Portugal Monte Selvagem – Reserva Animal None
Russia Park of flora and fauna “Roev Ruchey” None
Tula Exotarium None
Singapore Asian Species Action Partnership None
Slovakia Zoo Spišská Nová Ves None
Spain Mundomar Benidorm Bronze
Sweden Slottsskogens djurpark None
Ystad Djurpark Bronze
United Arab Emirates The Green Planet Bronze
United Kingdom Battersea Park Children’s Zoo None
Berkshire College of Agriculture Bronze
Birdworld Bronze
Green Teen Team Bronze
Hemsley Conservation Centre Bronze
Lakeland Wildlife Oasis None
The Avicultural Society Bronze
The Living Rainforest None
Wild Discovery None
United States All the Birds Project $1000
Birmingham Zoo None
Disney’s Animal Kingdom None
Lincoln Park Zoo None
Riverbanks Zoo & Garden Bronze
Tracy Aviary None
Woodland Park Zoo $1000