- Silent Forest Campaign Infopack (English)
- Silent Forest Campaign Infopack (Czech)
- Silent Forest Campaign Infopack (Hungarian)
- Silent Forest Campaign Infopack (French)
- Silent Forest Campaign Infopack (German)
- Silent Forest Campaign Infopack (Portuguese)
- Silent Forest Campaign Infopack (Russian)
The campaign infopack (English version) is also available in editable InDesign files (.indd). This will include all fonts and images, so that the language of the text can be changed and/or other adjustments can be made as required (to change text and / or lay-out you will need Adobe InDesign). This high resolution indd file is available with this link providing you have an access to the EAZA Member area.
If you encounter a problem to access the files, please contact Simon Bruslund via insitu@vogelpark-marlow.de.
- Silent Forest Campaign launch presentation by Nigel Collar (Birdlife International)
- What are zoos doing presentation? by Simon Bruslund and Tomas Ouhel (Campaign chairs)
Please find below a Powerpoint presentation for primary schools. In the footer of most sheets you will find explanations and instructions for the presenter/teacher.