
Turn the crank and listen carefully

Another great creation from a Silent Forest Campaign participant to raise awareness of the Asian Songbird crisis! Parc de Branféré (France) built this amazing sound box. Visitors can turn the crank to listen to the beautiful vocalization of  the White-rumped shama. Press play, close your eyes and imagine you are standing in the middle of […]

Excessive consumption of chocolate can help save Songbirds!

As we are in the second and final year of our Silent Forest Campaign, Wilhelma Zoologische Garten (Germany) sent us some updates about the awesome activities they have done in 2018 and will carry out in 2019 regarding Songbirds. A few weeks ago, the zoo received their special edition of “Wilhelma Conservation Chocolate” advertising five […]

“Silent Forest” invited to the Day of Animals

Author: Svetlana Kovalchuck (Tula Exotarium, Russia) On the 6th of October 2018, while the International “Day of Animals” was celebrated at Tula Exotarium, our young visitors and their parents learned about the problem of songbirds in South-East Asia and about the EAZA Silent Forest Campaign. They could listen to the sound records of daytime tropical […]

An astronomical bird clock in Liberec Zoo!

Authors: Matyáš Adam & Barbara Tesařová (Zoo Liberec, Czech Republic) We are happy to see new ideas come to life to raise awareness of the Asian songbird crisis. Liberec zoo, the oldest zoological garden in the Czech Republic celebrating its 100th birthday next year and the home of the Silent Forest campaign office, has just […]