If you represent an EAZA member institution, or another seriously interested facility or organization, you can use this form to register your institution as an official campaign participant. When your register your pro-active participation, on behalf of your institution, is expected including practical, educative or financial support of songbirds threatened by trade.
Non-EAZA facilities that which would like to register, will need be verification by the EAZA Songbird TAG before listed on the website.

Participating institutions are expected to, as a minimum, organise activities and/or display information panels that raise awareness of the Silent Forest issues for your visitors. We hope all participants will aim to raise money for the Silent Forest Conservation Projects.
For the Silent Forest Signatories the following fundraising awards are available:
- €2000 – Bronze Award
- €3000 – Silver Award
- €5000 – Gold Award
- €10.000 – Platinum Award
Direct EAZA member commitments, which are officially entered in the EAZA Conservation Database and earmarked with Silent Forest (in the title or project information) will also potentially qualify for an award after review by the songbird TAG.