There are only two songbird related proposals to be presented at the CITES CoP19 for decisions. This, include the Straw-headed Bulbul up-listing from Appendix II to Appendix I and a new first-time listing of the White-rumped Shama in Appendix II.

The proposals are based on sound data and have been submitted by the Governments of Malaysia and Singapore and are based on genuine concerned about the threat posed by the trade including international trade to fill the demand in areas where these two once common species have been massively depleted.

In aid of the two proposals, which are scheduled to be voted on in a few days there is a number of support letters directed at the CITES secretariat and the Parties who will decide if the proposals are approved or not on Friday 17 November 2022.
Led by ASTSG this letter is directed towards all the 186 Countries participating in CITES.